Rules and Regulations
Important Things to Know


Please note that the New York City Department of Education regulations state that only those student who have satisfied the graduation requirements for a high school diploma may participate in the Graduation Ceremony. If there is any concern for student safety due to recent disciplinary action, the student will be excluded from the Graduation Ceremony or other commencement-related activities.

  1. All students will be issued a copy of New York City Code of Behavior which must be followed. Proper conduct and behavior is expected of every high school student.

  2. The school must have an accurate record of your address and telephone number. You must provide the school with your work number and an emergency contact number. Notify the school immediately of any change of address or telephone number.

  3. State law mandates that students must attend every class every school day. Your child may be absent only for illness. Upon returning to school, your child must bring an absence note written by you or a physician.

  4. Your child must have the required immunizations in order to attend high school. By State law, students will be excluded from school if he/she does not have proper immunization.

  5. Your child must be on time to all classes. Students arriving late must receive a late pass. Your child may not leave the building until the end of his/her school day. Students may not leave the building for lunch.

  6. If your child becomes ill in school or needs to leave early, he/she may not leave the school to go home alone. Parents must come to school to pick up any student who needs to leave before the conclusion of their school day.

  7. Your child must be responsible for his/her ID, Program and METRO cards. They are essential and valuable documents. Students must have their school photo ID and program card with them at all times.

  8. Your child is expected to be prepared to work every day and should bring notebooks, textbooks, and pens.

  9. Students must come dressed appropriately to school each day. Shorts, midriff shirts, tank tops, and any suggestive clothing are not acceptable. We expect students to come “dressed for success” each day.

  10. Students may not wear hats and do-rags in the school building.